CCRS hosted Roundtable Discussion on “Striving for ASEAN Community Vision 2045 (ACV 2045)”

On 15 February 2024 at AmCam Exchange, the Cambodian Center for Regional Studies (CCRS) organized a Roundtable Discussion on “Striving for ASEAN Community Vision 2045 (ACV 2045)” featuring Dr. Santo Darmosumarto, Indonesian Ambassador to Cambodia, and H.E. W. Patrick Murphy, US Ambassador to Cambodia as eminent speakers. There were 50 participants including diplomatic corps from the embassies of France, Indonesia, Japan, Türkiye, the Republic of Korea, and the US as well as academics, think tankers, CCRS’ researchers, as well as university students.

After expressing deep appreciation to all participants, Mr. Him Raksmey, Executive Director of CCRS, briefly announced that the two eminent personalities will give presentations covering the significance of the anticipated ASEAN Community Vision 2045 which set to release next year designed to maintain ASEAN relevance, strategic autonomy and how the regional bloc intends to engage with external powers in the Indo-Pacific region.

The presentation by H.E. Dr. Santo Darmosumarto was impressive and comprehensive. His talk evolved around the theme of “the Indonesia-Cambodia Relations and Striving for ASEAN Community Vision 2045”. He traced the rich historical context between Cambodia and Indonesia from ancient time to the present day. Indonesia has contributed immensely the Cambodia’s peace process during the 1980s and 1990s, particularly the cocktail parties known as the Jakarta Informal Meetings (JIM I and JIM II) in 1988 and 1989 and the signing of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement Co-Chaired by Indonesia with France, as well as the dispatch of almost 4,000 Indonesian Peacekeeping force to Cambodia under the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) in 1992 and 1993.

In the contemporary context, Dr. Santo noted the increasing relations since the establishment of the Joint Commission on Bilateral Cooperation (JCBC) in 1997 through high-level meetings, trade relations, and signing MoU and Agreements. Nevertheless, challenges remained in Cambodia-Indonesia bilateral relations, ranging from the need to promote greater awareness and knowledge of both countries, address factors that enhance economic cooperation and to people-to-people connectivity. Regarding the potential areas of cooperation, going forward, the Indonesian Ambassador encouraged both sides to increase trade and investment on agricultural products, food and beverages, infrastructure, and global supply chains, the need to hasten the collaboration in the educational field, defense cooperation, combatting transnational crimes, and global issues as the way for Cambodia and to build ASEAN Community Vision 2045.

The presentation by Ambassador Patrick Murphy was equally inspiring and overarching. He gave substantial talk about the US priorities for ASEAN by echoing that “ASEAN is important for the US”. He stressed the importance of the Southeast Asia, including the diverse culture, population and market for American business as well as the commonality between the US and ASEAN. He referred to coexistence of ASEAN and the US in the “Indo-Pacific” region. He called ASEAN Centrality as “a piece of architecture with convening authority” where world leaders meet annually to address global issues. The upgraded Comprehensive Strategic relations between the US and ASEAN reflected the two sides’ desire to deepen their engagement in all fields of their mutual interest. The US expressed support for ASEAN Community Vision 2045 aiming to promote peace and stability, market liberalization as well as other emerging issues, like Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation. He then highlighted the US’ contribution to the region by being the top source of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) with over 6,000 companies having a presence in the region which have provided thousands of jobs. He then lauded the importance of people-to-people exchange through various programs, including the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) and the newly established US-ASEAN Center.

Taking this occasion, Ambassador Murphy offered congratulations to Indonesia for the role of country coordinator for ASEAN-US relations from 2021 to 2024, which saw the organizing of the US-ASEAN Special Summit in Washington back in May 2022; the elevated ties to Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, the highest diplomatic rank in ASEAN; and having the ASEAN-US Leaders’ Statement on Cooperation on the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) in 2023. He anticipated Cambodia assuming the role of ASEAN-US relations country coordinator and mentioned that the US will work closely with Cambodia to enhance ASEAN relevance.

On Lao ASEAN Chairmanship 2024, the Ambassador noted that the US and ASEAN will work together on issues of common concerns, especially partnering on digital domains and combatting cybercrimes. He expressed grave concern about the situation in Myanmar, which threatens regional peace and security on such issues as refugees, immigration, and other human security challenges. On the South China Sea issues, the US Ambassador noted with concern the geopolitical fractions remained. He also highlighted other security implications that put US and ASEAN relations to the test such as the Korean Peninsula, the War in Ukraine, and the Crisis in the Middle East. However, amidst these challenges, there could be new opportunities for the US and ASEAN to work together to address some of these crises.

During open discussion and Q and A session, moderated by Amb. Pou Sothirak, Distinguished Senior Advisor to CCRS, participants were active in asking the two eminent speakers about various pertinent issues concerning regional affairs such as ASEAN’s relevance, the Myanmar Crisis, the South China Sea, potential ramifications of the elections in Indonesia and the US for the region.

In closing, Amb. Pou Sothirak emphasized the important role Indonesia plays as the most influential country within ASEAN to reach the goals set by the ACV45 as well as to ensure appropriate engagement with all external partners, including the US which he regarded as a stabilizer force in the region of Southeast Asia. He called on ASEAN to accord the same level of importance to the US when it comes to strengthening the regional bloc’s relevance in safeguarding SE Asia as a region of peace and stability. On behalf of CCRS, Amb. Pou Sothirak expressed his sincere appreciation to the two eminent Ambassadors of the US and Indonesia for their valuable insights shared during this discussion. He also thanked all esteemed participants for actively engaging in this roundtable. The event was concluded in a friendly and cordial atmosphere.

Press Clippings:
Khmer Times

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