Ambassadorial Lecture Series: Cambodia-France Relations in the New Context by H.E. Mr. Jacques Pellet, Ambassador of France to Cambodia

On 9 February 2024, from 9:30-11:30am with the support of the Pañāñāsātra University of Cambodia (PUC), the Cambodian Center for Regional Studies (CCRS) organized the first Ambassadorial Lecture Series (ALS) having H.E. Jacques Pellet, Ambassador of France to Cambodia as the distinguished guest speaker on the topic “Cambodia-France Relations in the New Context” at PUC Campus in Toul Kork. There were 80 participants including diplomatic corps from the embassies of France, Singapore, Australia, the Republic of Korea, the US, and the UK, and academics, faculty members of PUC, CCRS’ researchers, as well as PUC university students.

Mr. Him Raksmey, Executive Director of CCRS, kickstarted the event by thanking our honorable guest speaker and warmly welcome all participants at the ALS, which aims to promote greater interactions between distinguished personalities such as eminent foreign Ambassadors based in Cambodia, and the general publics in Cambodia who have an interest in contemporary public policies, especially foreign and security policies. He mentioned that CCRS is truly honored that H.E. Jacques Pellet graced the new Think Tank established by and for the new generations of Cambodia the opportunity to be the first Ambassador to speak on the topic of great importance concerning Cambodia-France relations in the new context.

H.E. Jacques Pellet delivered a captivating presentation on a renewed momentum of Cambodia-France relations after the recent official visit to France by Samdech Hun Manet, Prime Minister of Cambodia.

At the start of his presentation, H.E. the French Ambassador presented his views of the ‘new world context’ dominated by polarization, confrontation, and other security flashpoints which are very complex and difficult to resolve. He called for a closer collaboration between France and Cambodia to work together to resolve some of these impediments for the world that is more peaceful, stable, and prosperous.

He then laid out the joint statement between President Emmanuel Macron and PM Hun Manet on 18 January 2024 at the Elysée Palace highlighted the renewal of France – Cambodia relationship which has been dormant for more ten years but has now had momentums of revival, starting with the visit to France by the former Prime Minister Hun Sen in December 2022, His Majesty the King of Cambodia in November 2023, and the new Prime Minister Hun Manet last month. These high-level visits set fresh motions with a remarkable dynamism, dominated by common interest and aspiration between France and Cambodia to spur more economic and trade engagements between the two sides; the promotion of the world of the Francophonie where Cambodia could play a leading role in the upcoming Summit in 2026; the preservation of cultural heritage; the commitment made by the French Development Agency (AFD) in assisting Cambodia in the fields of education, medical, energy, water treatment, and climate change.

He recalled the enduring commitment made by France co-chaired with Indonesia in hosting the signing of the Paris Peace Agreements in October 1991, to end the protracted conflict in Cambodia which contributed significantly to peace, stability and development of the country, whereby the rule of laws, the respect of human rights, and the multi-party liberal democracy and other important principles that determines a modern nation are enshrined in the 1993 Constitution of Cambodia. He reassured the French Embassy’s commitment to do its best to attract big companies from France to invest in Cambodia and encourage more French tourists to visit the country. He also mentioned that France stands ready to upgrade relation to the strategic partnership with Cambodia but both sides must develop a clear road-map to achieve this end.

At the regional level, France is interested in working with Cambodia to make ASEAN more effective and be able to withstand pressure from big powers. France is also keen to play a constructive role to enhance better understanding between Cambodia and the European Union over the issues of EBA. During Q and A, there were a lot of questions from the floor and H.E. Amb. Jacques Pellet were able to addressed all relevant questions put forward to him. The students were pleased to be able to interact openly with eminent personality, such as the friendly Ambassador of France to Cambodia.

Amb. Pou Sothirak, Distinguished Senior Advisor to CCRS, delivered his closing remarks by mentioning that PM Hun Manet, who was the West Point’s graduate, made the first official visit to France should be taken seriously as the country is known as one of the Western powers. The visit signifies Cambodia’s new foreign policy engagement with the West that is more pragmatic and diversified. With generous assistance pledged through fresh aid agreements for drinking water, energy infrastructure development, and vocational training, as well as defense cooperation, France is poised to play a strategic role to offer Cambodia a fresh opportunity to recalibrate and diversify the country’s over-reliance on any single power to counterbalance such power’s influence in Cambodia. On behalf of CCRS, he expressed fervent appreciation to H.E. Jacques Pellet, Ambassador of France to Cambodia and other participants. The public lecture today is a great encouragement to CCRS as a new Cambodian foreign policy Think Tank.

At the end, Professor Kevin Nauen, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations at PUC presented a certificate of appreciation to our honorable guest speaker. The meeting concluded in cordial atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding.

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